由 HTM (裏原教父Hiroshi Fujiwara, 設計師Tinker Hatfield 與 Nike集團總裁 Mark Parker) 三人聯手所打造的最新技術 NIKE Flyknit 系列鞋款,帶來了更輕更具效能的高科技跑鞋。四十年科技的累積讓 NIKE 開發出了達成支撐、靈活度與透氣三項重要鞋款機能要求的單層鞋面,也藉由 Flyknit 技術的協助,打造了僅重 220g 的多功能訓練鞋 Nike Flyknit Trainer+,以及超輕量的 160g 重 Nike Flyknit Racer 鞋款(比2011年的專業馬拉松鞋款Nike Zoom Streak 3還輕了19%),在 2008 年的 Flywire 科技之後,2012年的 Flyknit 技術呈現了極簡化的設計卻是更豐富的性能表現,帶來另一個等級的輕量化機能鞋款技術。
HTM Racer
Identical to the Nike Flyknit Racer in function, it features the colors of the US Track and Field team. This version made its competition debut at the US Track & Field trials in January 2012.HTM Trainer+
The HTM Trainer+ pushes the boundaries of what Nike Flyknit could do and showcases the aesthetic possibilities of fabrics and colors and patterns.Pushing the technology in new ways, the HTM Trainer+ also integrates the tongue for an enhanced fit and shows off the personalization potential of knit, with knit-in the numbers of each of the collectibles, 1 to 100.
HTM Trainer+
The HTM Trainer+ features a more subtle complexity with a heathered, grey speckle in the fabric. It also features the Lunarlon midsole for all-day comfort.