NIKE Lunarlon 2012 Collection

瞄準奧運! NIKE 新一代 Lunarlon 避震鞋款 / Lunarglide+4 , Lunar Hyperdunk , LunarTR1, Lunar HyperWorkout+

除了有 NIKE Flyknit 的新科技發表之外,NIKE 也發表了新一代的 Lunarlon 避震鞋款,由 NIKE 設計團隊以及 Nike Sports Research Lab 研發單位所合作,NIKE 將這個來自太空科技的輕量化泡綿技術應用在輕量化的慢跑鞋、籃球鞋以及訓練鞋款的避震中底上,帶來了比傳統 Phylon 中底減輕 30% 重量的機能提昇,新的 Lunarlon 設計針對受力區域做出密度的調整,在需要支撐的區域增加密度、在關鍵的緩衝區域則是變得柔軟,讓腳掌受到的衝擊更為自然分散; 除此之外,新一代的 Lunarlon 鞋款也加入了 Dynamic Flywire 的鞋面設計,提供更為服貼、更為自然的強韌鞋面支撐保護。

Nike Lunarglide+4
Ultra lightweight and responsive, the Nike Lunarglide+4 is 18% lighter than the Nike Lunarglide+3 at 10oz and helps to maximize performance thanks to soft, springy Lunarlon cushioning and dynamic flywire.

Nike Hyperdunk
Designed to meet the containment, protection and responsive needs of elite players the Nike Hyperdunk (11.9 oz) features basketball-specific Lunarlon cushioning and dynamic Flywire for hard cuts and turns.

Nike LunarTR1
Superior cushioning, ultra lightweight (10% lighter than the TR1.3 at 11.4oz) and breathable make the Nike LunarTR1 more versatile for training across multiple sports. Flywire provides dynamic support for multidirectional movement whatever your workout.

Nike Lunar HyperWorkout+
Nike Lunar Hyperworkout+ features a training specific midsole combining Lunarlon cushioning with dynamic Flywire for responsive support during training. Ultra lightweight, the shoe is just 6oz, 16% lighter than the Nike Lunar Allways TR.
