Kith NYC / 紐約街頭店舖介紹
「Kith & Kin」的意思就是「Friends and Family(朋友與親人)」,從蘇格蘭而來的這句舊式英文詮釋了 Kith NYC 創辦人 Ronnie Fieg(RF) 對這間店的想法,店內的設計充滿著好朋友相聚的氣氛,期待讓喜歡球鞋的朋友們能夠在這裡找到自己喜歡的鞋款跟服飾。在 Ronnie Fieg 與店長 Adam Zenou 的精心維護下,座落在世界之都紐約的 Kith NYC 已經成為街頭服飾精品的重要據點,目前在 MANHATTAN 與 BROOKLYN 兩處設有店舖,常逛新聞網站的朋友們相信也常會在各式球鞋資料出處見到 Kith 的名稱,而 Ronnie Fieg 更是與 Asics、New Balance、Red Wing、adidas Originals 等品牌推出了十分具有時尚氣氛的合作案。KEEDAN 這次也藉著店家介紹的機會與 Kith NYC 的負責人 Adam Zenou 閒聊幾句,希望讓大家在問與答間感受 Kith NYC 的特色。
毋庸置疑地,Michael Jordan 是這世界上有史以來最棒的一位,但是若提到這一個球季,Derrick Rose 的表現非常的出色,我不覺得有人能夠有辦法讓他慢下來。
The best basketball player in the history, and your favorite
basketball player this season.
Obviously Michael Jordan the best there ever was and ever will be. But this season, Derrick Rose is still killing it. I dont see anyone stopping him anytime soon. He’s a machine.
Adam : 有的,我自己有在打球,紐約客對於籃球可是相當認真的,就像是一種生活的表現,如果 Knicks 贏了,我們覺得世界無限美好,但是他們若輸了,我們會想要開除整支球隊!
Do you play basketball? How New Yorkers take basketball?
I do play basketball. us New Yorkers take Basketball very seriously. Its a way of life. If the Knicks win, life is grand, If they lose, we want to fire everyone on the team.
覺得 Jeremy Lin 如何?
Adam : 他第一次真正上場就讓我注意到了,他擁有控球後衛的特質而那的確是我們所需要的,他讓球隊向前而且讓群眾也融入其中,當球迷站在你這邊,NYC可是再好不過了。面對湖人的那場比賽是他最棒的一場球,不只是他得了38分的帳面數據,更重要的是他如何完成這場比賽的過程,完全的團隊與熱情讓我們接近完美。
When did you notice Jeremy?
His first real playing time as a Knick. I saw right away he had a point guards mentality and that is exactly what we needed. He got the team going, then the crowd joined in. NYC is the best place to have the fans on your side.
Which game represents Jeremy the best?
The Laker game. Not only finishing with 38 points, but the way he did it. Total team effort and every possession felt like a set play that worked to perfection.
Adam : Knicks 表現的是對這城市的付出以及忠誠,這幾年過得並不是那麼好,但我這輩子都是 Knicks 的球迷,不管成績起伏都會一直如此,只要你在這邊的付出賣命積極,NYC永遠都會愛你。
What New York Knicks means to you?
The Knicks represent hard work and loyalty to a city. Its been rough these past years, but Im a Knick fan for life. Ups and Downs cant get rid of me. As long as you play hard and hustle, NYC will always love you.
Kith NYC 店點資訊
644 Broadway (at Bleecker St.)
NY, NY 10012
233 Flatbush Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217